C# Event (事件)

之前我只寫過 UEFI 的事件,UEFI 的事件比 C# 簡單多了。C# Event 的重點在於 Handler, Callback and Listener。 Handler 處理事件的訂閱和 Callback,Callback 是事件觸發時要做的事,Listener 會監聽事件並捕獲事件。

下面的例子中 waiter 會通知客人去用餐,客人會等待被通知要吃午餐或晚餐。用餐的內容是一個等待被呼喚的事件,觸發事件時顧客也會取得用餐的資訊。

using System;

namespace DotNetCoreTest
    class Program
    // create a callback.
        public class MealInfo : EventArgs
            public MealInfo (string meal)
                Meal = meal;
            public string Meal { get; set; }       

        // Handle subscription and invoke the callback.
        public class Waiter
            public EventHandler MealIsReady;

            public void InformCustomer(string meal)
                MealIsReady?.Invoke(this, new MealInfo(meal));

        // Listen to the event.
        public class Customer
           private string _name;
            public Customer(string name)
                Name = name;

            public string Name
                get { return _name; }
                set { _name = value; }

            // Linsten to an event.
            public void EatMeal(object waiter, MealInfo e)
                Console.WriteLine($"{_name} is informed to have a {e.Meal}");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var waiter = new Waiter();
            var Bob = new Customer("Bob");
            var Alice = new Customer("Alice");
            // Subscribe the event.
            waiter.MealIsReady += Bob.EatMeal;
            waiter.MealIsReady += Alice.EatMeal;

            // Trigger event.

