OpenCV (2) OpenCV Data Types
1. Data Types in OpenCV:
There are three kinds of data types in OpenCV:
- Basic data types
- Helper objects
- Large array types
2. Basic data types:
The basic data types are those that are assembled directly from C++ primitives (int, float, etc.). In another word, basic data types are the templates of C++ primitives.
Some examples of basic data types:
(1) cv::Vec{N}{b,w,s,i,f,d}
typedef Vec<int, 2> Vec2i; // a mathematical vector with 2 ints typedef Vec<double, 4> Vec4d; // a mathematical vector with 4 doubles
The dimension of basic data types are fixed in declaration.
(2) cv::Matx{N}{N}{b,w,s,i,f,d}
typedef Matx<float, 1, 2> Matx12f; typedef Matx<double, 1, 2> Matx12d;
(3) cv::Point{N}{b,w,s,i,f,d}
typedef Point_Point2f; typedef Point_ Point2d;
3. Helper objects:
These objects represent more abstract concepts such as the garbage-collecting pointer class, range objects used for slicing, and abstractions such as termination criteria.
(1) cv::TermCriteria sets the terminal conditions:
(2) cv::Ptr is a smart ptr to objecs:
4. Large array types:
These are objects whose fundamental purpose is to contain arrays or other assemblies of primitives or, more often, the basic data types (e.g. cv::Mat represent arbitrary-dimensional arrays containing arbitrary basic elements).
cv::Mat m; // set the matrix to 3 rows and 10 columns (3-channel 32-bit floats) m.create(3, 10, CV_32FC3); // set the values in the 1st channel to 1.0, the 2nd to 0.0, and the 3rd to 1.0 m.setTo( cv::Scalar(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
[1] Adrian Kaehler, Gary Bradski, Learning OpenCV 3 , O'Reilly Media (2017)