JavaScript (4) Objects
1. Types:
The following are the built-in types in JavaScript:
- string
- number
- boolean
- null and undefined
- object
- symbol (new to ES6)
We can use typeof() to check the type of the variable. !! However typeof(null) does not return "null", it returns "object".
typeof(null) // "object"
2. Objects:
The object type refers to a compound value where you can set properties (named locations) that each hold their own values of any type.
var dog = { name: "doggy", age: 3 }; // access the properties with . operator; dog.age; // access the properties with [] operator dog["name"] dog["age"]
3. Arrays:
Array in JS can be used to save the values with different types which is different to the array in C.
var arr = [ "hello", 42, true ]; // access the array with index arr[0]; arr[1]; arr[2]; typeof(arr); // object
!! Array is an object which does not hold the values in named properties/keys, but rather in numerically indexed positions.
[1] Kyle Simpson, You Don't Know JS Series, O'Reilly Media (2014)