JavaScript (6) Function: Hoisting, Nested Scopes and Strict Mode
1. Hoisting of variable:
Hoisting is JavaScript's default behaviour of moving declarations to the top.
a = 2; console.log(a); var a;
The program which is shown above is similar to:
var a; a = 2; console.log(a);
The declaration of "a" is moved to the top.
2. Hoisting of function:
Hoisting of function is slightly different.
foo(); function foo() { console.log("Hello foo"); }
The function body is moved to the top like:
function foo() { console.log("Hello foo"); } foo();
If you have two functions to be hoisted, both are hoisted but the latest one would override the previous function:
foo(); // foo2 function foo() { console.log("foo1"); } function foo() { console.log("foo2"); }
We can declare a variable and assign the function to the variable.
foo(); // Error var foo = function() { console.log("foo"); }
Only the declaration of the variable is moved to the top.
var foo; foo(); // Error foo = function() { console.log("foo"); }
3. Nested Scopes:
When you declare a variable, it is available anywhere in that scope, as well as any lower/inner scopes.
var foo = function() { var a = 10; console.log(a); var bar = function() { // the scope of bar is inside the scope of foo // variable a is available in the inner scope console.log(a); }; bar(); }; foo();
4. Strict Mode
If you create a variable in a function without using var identifier, that variable would be global which means you can access it anywhere.
var foo = function() { // create a global variable a = 10; }; foo(); // use gloabal variable a console.log(a);
var foo = function() { // create a local variable var a = 10; }; foo(); // a is a local variable in foo // which can't be accessed outside console.log(a);
We can use strict mode in the function to prevent creating global variable. Strict mode also works in the inner scopes.
var foo = function() { "use strict"; a = 10; }; foo();
[1] Kyle Simpson, You Don't Know JS Series, O'Reilly Media (2014)